
トップページ / 業績集 / 2017年業績集


41. Yamaguchi M, Suzuki R, Oguchi M, Asano N, Amaki J, Akiba T, Maeda T, Itasaka S, Kubota N, Saito Y, Kobayashi Y, Itami J, Ueda K, Miyazaki K, Ii N, Tomita N, Sekiguchi N, Takizawa J, Saito B, Murayama T, Ando T, Wada H, Hyo R, Ejima Y, Hasegawa M, Katayama N. Treatments and Outcomes of Patients With Extranodal Natural Killer/T-Cell Lymphoma Diagnosed Between 2000 and 2013: A Cooperative Study in Japan. J Clin Oncol. 35(1):32-39, 2017


42. Takahashi A, Mori E, Nakagawa Y, Kajihara A, Kirita T, Pittman DL, Hasegawa M, Ohnishi T. Homologous recombination preferentially repairs heat-induced DNA double-strand breaks in mammalian cells. Int J Hyperthermia. 33(3):336-342, 2017


43. Inoue K, Hontsu S, Miura S, Asakawa I, Tamamoto T, Yoshimine T, Kimura H, Hasegawa M. Feasibility and efficacy of definitive radiotherapy with 66 Gy and concurrent carboplatin-paclitaxel chemotherapy for stage Ⅲ non-small cell lung cancer. J Nara Med Assoc. 68(1,2,3):1-6, 2017


44. Miyake M, Tanaka N, Asakawa I, Hori S, Morizawa Y, Nakai Y, Anai S, Torimoto K, Aoki K, Marugami N, Hasegawa M, Fujii T, Konishi N, Fujimoto K. Oncological outcome, complications, lower urinary tract symptoms, and health-related quality of life after low-dose-rate salvage brachytherapy for recurrent prostate cancer following primary radiotherapy: a report of 8 cases. J Contemp Brachytherapy. 9(4):364-372, 2017


45. Miyake M, Tanaka N, Asakawa I, Hori S, Morizawa Y, Tatsumi Y, Nakai Y, Inoue T, Anai S, Torimoto K, Aoki K, Hasegawa M, Fujii T, Konishi N, Fujimoto K. Assessment of lower urinary symptom flare with overactive bladder symptom score and International Prostate Symptom Score in patients treated with iodine-125 implant brachytherapy: long-term follow-up experience at a single institute. BMC Urol. 17(1):62, 2017


46. Tanaka N, Asakawa I, Nakai Y, Miyake M, Anai S, Fujii T, Hasegawa M, Konishi N, Fujimoto K. Comparison of PSA value at last follow-up of patients who underwent low-dose rate brachytherapy and intensity-modulated radiation therapy for prostate cancer. BMC Cancer. 17(1):573, 2017